Subject: Re: grf_cl and current source
To: None <amiga-dev@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 01/26/1995 12:25:35
On Jan 26,  2:54pm, Markus Illenseer wrote:
> On Jan 26,  8:33am, Peter Meyer wrote:
> > Is there already a new version of cirrus support for the current sources
> > of NetBSD ? The older sources won't compile with the current version :-(
>  No, there isnt, and unless someone will adapt my sources, it wont for 
> some time. Before you start doing so, please wait for my next release
> of the Cirrus-part for 1.0 due to this weekend.

  Since I'm responsible for the autoconf changes in -current, I have
adapted the current cirrus driver, and will do the same with the new
release when it's available.  I won't be able to test the changes, but
I can provide the diffs to get them to compile, as well as provide a
GENERIC kernel for anyone willing to test it.


Michael L. Hitch			INTERNET:
Computer Consultant
Office of Systems and Computing Services
Montana State University	Bozeman, MT	USA