Subject: Re: splinter group updates
To: Eduardo E. Horvath <>
From: Christian E. Hopps <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 01/26/1995 07:36:18
> I have submitted both my 33C93 sync negotiation patch and my blitter
> drivers to Chris several times since before the 1.0 code freeze.  To
> my knowledge (as of two weeks ago) neither have been incorporated into
> the source tree yet and I'm getting a bit tired re-sup'ing and cutting
> a new set of diffs to send to Chris.

Sorry. I have neglected your patch for a while becuase I couldn't
remember what it exaclty did.  I know it fixed some quantum drives
but I couldn't remember the specifics.  I was waiting until I could
find time to become more familar with the problem but that time
never came and I forgot about it after a while.

Anyway I applied you patch.
