Subject: Re: A3000 SCSI problems
To: Michael L. Hitch <>
From: None <>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 05/17/1994 18:04:03
> values ('BSD[DEFGH]') are mapped to a single partition type and assigned
> to the partitions in the order they appear in the RDB.  Most people probably
> have their partitions set up as 'BSDR', 'BSDS', 'BSDD', 'BSDE'...  This
> setup should still work, but if the partitions are in a little different
> order, things won't map so good.  On one of my disks I have the partitions
> as 'BSDR', 'BSDH', 'BSDD', 'BSDE', 'BSDF', 'BSDG', 'BSDS' [the last partition
> was slightly larger than the second, so I exchanged them - they originally
> were in order].  This results in the 'BSDH' partition being assigned to 'd'
> and the 'BSDD' partition assigned to 'e'.  As a result, /etc/fstab is no
> longer correct.

Eh, simple question, sorry, but isn't such a behavior plain braindead? I used
different DOS types *on purpose* to be able to exchange partitions on the
fly. If I wanted the current behavior, there'd be only one type.. ARGL...

Guess I'll really freeze my own NetBSD core sources now...

CHUUG/EUnet Switzerland				Markus Wild
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