Subject: Re: problems with: kernels Floppys scsi binaries ...
To: Arthur Hoffmann <>
From: Markus Illenseer <markus@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
List: amiga-dev
Date: 04/10/1994 23:17:23
On Apr 10, 5:44pm, Arthur Hoffmann wrote:
> I usually compile my own kernels and some binaries. So far
> I had no problems with that, but recently I seem to have a slight
> problem:
> ps doesn't work with my newer kernels anymore it reports the
> following:
> ps: proc size mismatch (got 13846 total, kinfo_proc: 560)
Yes, i encountered the same problem and figured i must recompile
'ps' for the new kernel - seems off_t (64Bit stuff) buggers here
> compiling a new ps results in nothing... no error, no output??
Got to wait for the whole changes for off_t in the entire tree.
I am glad that i was finally able to recompile my own kernel,
had to update quite a lot of stuff (new binaries and /usr/share/misc and
/usr/share/mk and so on..), and was surprised when finally not even a single
error and only 2 warnings were claimed during compilation, keep on the
good work Chops!
Markus Illenseer