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Re: mkdir -p, autoconf

On Fri, Oct 07, 2022 at 02:31:28PM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:
 > The point is not that they exist, but that the program is robust against
 > something else creating them.  Given autoconf macros have concerns about
 > parallel execution, it's reasonable to expect
 >   if (!directory_exists())
 >     make_it()
 > and a possible returned error if it doesn't exist but then creation
 > fails.

I think it's a crock that autoconf suddenly cares about this after how
many non-MAKE_JOBS_SAFE automake-generated makefiles we've had to deal
with. And just how do they attempt to check?

Anyway, it takes about fifteen seconds with mkdir.c to ascertain that
this isn't a problem.

David A. Holland

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