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Re: Not so technical, but your feedback is requested

Am Jul 20, 2014 um 3:34 schrieb Alan Barrett <>:
>> On Sat, 19 Jul 2014, Marc Balmer wrote:
>> We are soliciting opinions about removing the file /usr/share/misc/airports. 
>>  The file might have been useful in past times, but in 2014 maybe not so 
>> much anymore.
> I often use the airports file, and I appreciate having the information 
> available offline.  If I am forced to rely on online sources instead, I will 
> be only slightly inconvenienced.
>> - The file is outdated compared to  IATA sources
>> - The information is available online and more complete/accurate there
>> - Why keep a local copy of thia very particular information when it is 
>> impractical to maintain?  FWIW, there is also an ICAO list of airport codes; 
>> and an IATA list of tailway stations etc. do we have these?  No. So why keep 
>> a list of airports?
> We could automate syncing the file with IATA sources.
Possibly as a port? I too find it useful. 

>> - Changes to this file have recently been used to make politcal statements, 
>> leading to data no longer being compatible with IATA listings.
> That's a bug.  Any differences between our file and IATA sources should be 
> resolved in favour of the IATA source, or some other reliable source.  In 
> particular, NetBSD should not be in the business of deciding which country an 
> airport is in.
> --apb (Alan Barrett)

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