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Re: libcodecs(3), take 4


> On Tue, Oct 05, 2010 at 01:36:42AM +0000, YAMAMOTO Takashi wrote:
>> > PS.  To answer Yamamoto-san's point that he couldn't see any use
>> > cases, there are lots in the standard transformations in libcodecs(3). 
>> sorry, i don't understand what you mean.
>> i don't doubt the usefulness of each transformations.
>> i doubt the usefulness of your wrapper library.
> So you advocate putting all the transformations into libc?  That is a
> backwards step, I believe.

no, i don't advocate it.
majority of your codecs are already in libc, libz, etc anyway, aren't they?

> With a separate libcodecs, the transformations can be called from other
> libraries and programs. Bloating libc is not one of my goals for this.
>> > At the same time, there is a case for getting rid of the following
>> > programs from base:
>> what will be a replacement of them?
> A small calling wrapper around libcodecs(3).

can you provide it so that i can understand that the api work well?
(sorry if you already did and i missed it)


> Regards,
> Alistair

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