Subject: RSYNC
To: None <>
From: Karlan Mitchell <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 08/08/2006 13:41:43
I am currently implementing a BSD rsync client (server soon), however
I need to know what rsync options are most essential to you guys.  I know
this is a summer of code project, however, if you want to get something
done you gotta do yourself.  Ignoring the blasphemy of having to be 18
to even participate.

I am also going to extend the protocol slightly by adding some P2P 
to create a cross between bittorrent and rsync.  This of course is only 
really useful
if multiple people want to backup the data, or you want to save more 
than one copy
of your data accross your server farm.
(All while retaining backwards compatibility, of course)

Tell me what you all think!