Subject: Re: _pflogd user
To: NetBSD Userlevel Technical Discussion List <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 09/10/2004 20:05:00
On 2004.09.10 13:01:52 +0000, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> There is no possible need for such compatability.  It's impossible to
> share system accounts between heterogeneous systems without making many
> other changes as well and so this one tiny insignificant compatability
> will be of no advantage whatsoever.
> There is however something to be said for conformability with NetBSD's
> existing conventions.  Since no such trick is used by NetBSD for any
> other system account it would be rather non-conforming for the "pflogd"
> user to use such a trick (i.e. with a leading underscore it would stick
> out like a big ugly sore thumb!  :-)
I agree entirely.
We should stick with pflogd since who needs to be aware of the difference are
the developers and not the sysadmins (those are much more likely to be pleased 
by following existing conventions).

Rui Paulo

  "Simplicity is the ultimate 
    -- Leonardo da Vinci