Subject: Re: CVS commit: basesrc/etc
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 02/17/2003 19:49:07
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On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 10:25:53PM -0800, Jason R Thorpe wrote:
> It enhances NetBSD because NetBSD will no longer have to ship *at least*
> 2 MTAs ... we currently ship 2 because one or the other doesn't fit every=
> needs, and it so happens that people update to yet another MTA often anyw=

I pretty strongly disagree with this.

You're now FORCING people who were perfectly content with either
sendmail or postfix to install something extra. The fact that "many"
people install yet a third MTA doesn't excuse not installing one at
all. It, like a C compiler, ought to be part of a Unix install, not
an add-on component.

(Yes, that's purposely a little bit tongue-in-cheek, but hopefully
you can see my point.)

I use Postfix, all the time, everywhere. I'm not bothered in the
least by the old /etc/mailer.conf default to sendmail. It's much
easier to edit that file than it is to wait for even a binary
package of Postfix to install. (And no, that extra install time
doesn't just get added to the default install... The default install
I can kick off and walk away. Waiting for Postfix is a type-something,
then wait, then use system process.)

gabriel rosenkoetter

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