Subject: Re: ksh bugs and behaviour questions
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 12/11/2002 01:20:51
> I would like to add another "item" to the discussion.  When hitting
> tab to complete a file, which is the point of storing the first
> letters you wrote (before pressing tab) in the copy buffer?  I find
> it quite annoying because it clears what I previously had in the
> buffer...

I don't know what any other shell's editor's designer had in mind.  But
my shell's command-line editing does the analogous thing, and I did it
so that you can get back what was there in case the expansion you got
wasn't what you wanted.  (As for destroying what was previously there,
I have a ring of ten kills, and it destroys only the oldest of the ten
to put something new into the ring.)

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