Subject: Re: Moving /var/cron/tabs
To: Manuel Bouyer , John Nemeth <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 12/21/1998 20:25:48
On Mon, Dec 21, 1998 at 02:03:42PM +0100, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> The only problem I can see is /var/db/pkg and /var/cron, which describe the
> system setup and behavior, and should be backed up with other system binaries.
> But they lives on a partition which may contain big files I don't want to
> backup.

uhm, cron stuff is, partially, per-user, too.


I've set up amanda on the new server at work, and I told it to use tar to get
certain partial partitions, like /etc, like /var/mail, etc.

You dont have to do _everything_ with (ufs)dump. Although it helps with those
ever-growing /home partitions the damned users fill up faster than you can
buy more disks.
