Subject: Re: cvs commit: src/lib/libc/db/hash hash_buf.c
To: Jason Downs <>
From: Jordan K. Hubbard <>
List: tech-userlevel
Date: 10/19/1996 03:25:52
> Wow, I'm so utterly impressed with the maturity level of the FreeBSD core.
> It's so impressive it's beyond description.

Yes, like this thread.  We didn't ask for it and we certainly don't
want it to continue.  I might note that Jason's original comment which
started all of this could not have been written with a desire to cause
any *positive* effect, and hence the resultant flammage should
certainly come as no surprise to him - one cannot expect healthy crops
to sprout from poisoned seed.

I'd also hoped my little parody would inject some much needed humor
into the situation *before* a flame war erupted, but that clearly did
not work out as hoped.  Since everyone seems so insistent on acting
like small children, I suppose the only reasonable solution lies in
treating their actions accordingly.  It's time for everyone to "go to
their rooms" at this point until they're ready to come out and play
nice.  That means that the OpenBSD people will stay *off* the FreeBSD
lists, by active filtering should the honor system prove insufficient,
and the FreeBSD people will do the same on the OpenBSD lists.
Censorship is highly undesirable, but these kinds of ad-hominem
attacks are even less so as they waste valuable developer time and
energy in pointless bickering.

The NetBSD folks, who didn't even ask to be involved in this
discussion, will be similarly dropped from FreeBSD-side correspondence
and I will leave the OpenBSD->NetBSD mail issue to them since it's
clearly something I cannot control.
