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Re: infrastructure change needed for python modules

On Fri 26 Nov 2021 at 09:40:59 +0100, Dr. Thomas Orgis wrote:
> On the upside: If we could get the clean bootstrap process for pip
> running, it would be nice if we could employ its help to actually
> define the pkgsrc packages. After all, it's mostly a translation of the
> metadata the Python world already organizes.

I've lightly been thinking about such a process: generating the pkgsrc
entry data automatically from pip/pypi/whatever/some other language's
packaging system. And then use the normal pkgsrc way of building our own
binary pkg from that.

We could even invent some way to collect such auto-generated source
packages somewhere (for sharing, or cross-checking, or rebuilding, or

And we could even package all the files from a source package (i.e.
Makefile, PLIST, DESCR, patches/*, etc) into a binary pkg. That would
make a binary package re-buildable. We might even do that for all
packages, not only auto-generated ones. It's usually just a few short
text files, after all, that describe the whole package.

(Somehow that last idea feels a bit similar to Debian packages, yet is
still different; Debian mixes its packaging instructions / metadata into
source trees, not resulting binary packages. This makes Debian package
version management very confusing, if it's done by somebody else than
the developer of the sources).

Just some wild ideas.

> Mabe even having a mechanism to snapshot the state of PiPI matching a
> pkgsrc release [...] and then having a way to install Python packages
> outside of the curated space of pkgsrc [...] via pip and ad-hoc
> package creation from the PyPI metadata in a reproducible manner. So
> installing packages in a controlled way, managed by pkgsrc, but
> without having them all actually manually packaged in pkgsrc CVS.

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