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Re: EXTRACT_USING improvements: a concrete proposal

Jonathan Perkin <> writes:

>> > Multiple thoughts
>> > 
>> >   I don't understand why my changes would contribute to this, because
>> >   the value of EXTRACT_USING on SunOS should continue to be nbtar, just
>> >   as it was before.  And that should continue to point to base gtar.  It
>> >   is merely that the redundant setting in is gone, except
>> >   for NetBSD.
>> Yeh it's not your change, just coincidental timing.
> Actually, as soon as I sent this I realised that it is in-fact your
> change that is causing this.  The setting in mk/extract is set too
> late for the infrastructure, as shown trivially here:
>   $ bmake show-var VARNAME=EXTRACT_USING
>   nbtar
>   $ bmake
>   [...]
>   ===> Extracting for checkperms-1.12
>   tar: pax_global_header: typeflag 'g' not recognized, converting to regular file
>   *** Error code 1
>   $ bmake clean
>   $ bmake EXTRACT_USING=nbtar
>   [...]
>   ===> Extracting for checkperms-1.12
>   echo ".PHONY: checkperms.cat1" >> /home/pbulk/build/sysutils/checkperms/work/checkperms-1.12/Makefile
> Can you take another look and ensure that the default is set prior to
> being used by all of the mk/extract logic?

I think I fixed this, with a commit that moved EXTRACT_USING to the
early variable section.  If not, I hope someone with more mk-fu than me
sees a fix based on my commit.

(Once we resolve if SunOS wants to choose gtar or bsdtar for
EXTRACT_USING, and that's set, I think SunOS will be ok.  But it won't
fix the platforms that don't set EXTRACT_USING in platform/, so we
did need to fix this.)

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