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Re: editors/xemacs/patches/patch-src_lisp.h v1.3 breaks XEmacs

On Tue, 29 Mar 2016 17:35:38 +0200, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:
>> [patch 1.3] removes UINT_64_BIT, no?
> Hm. No idea why that didn't give a merge fault. I simply missed the new
> line completely.

A guess: You patched after a 'make extract'? I know, I know, building a 
pkg before checking in a change is for wimps...  ;)

> That said, the define is wrong. It should just use
> #define UINT_64_BIT uint64_t without any conditionals.

That works too, and configure deals with uint64_t elsewhere, so it 
should be fine.

I'll update the patch.


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