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Re: wip/chruby package review

Hi Steven!

On Fri, Nov 07, 2014 at 07:34:18PM +0000, Steven Williamson wrote:
> I have just imported chruby into wip. If someone could find the time to
> review it that would be great.
> New to pkgsrc in general so feedback welcome.

Looks good. Some comments:
Please improve HOMEPAGE.
The COMMENT is not a good explanation for what it does, at least not to me.

When using tarballs consisting just of a version number, please use
DIST_SUBDIR. Or, perhaps preferably, use the '-' syntax for
MASTER_SITES, see e.g. multimedia/mpv; that way the tarball will have
a useful name.

I guess you want to use "USE_TOOLS+= bash:run" since I expect that
bash is also needed at run-time, not only at build-time.

Thanks for sending the DESTDIR patch upstream!

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