Subject: Re: binary contains wrong RPATH, DESTDIR support suspected
To: None <>
From: Klaus Heinz <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/14/2007 01:28:51
Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:

> Sure and it shouldn't have to. Does this package build the libtool line
> itself? If yes, it shouldn't have to do that at all as libtool is
> supposed to add them itself and the corresponding -rpath-link lines as
> needed.

Libtool was introduced to the package by pkgsrc patches, so we can only
blame ourselves.

On the other hand, the software does things in an (IMO) unusual way:
It supports INSTALL_ROOT (= our DESTDIR), but prefixes every variable
with it _right from the start_ so the value of INSTALL_ROOT is also
used while constructing linker flags, which is clearly wrong in the case
of RPATH flags.

I will be looking for ways to remove the INSTALL_ROOT value where
