Subject: how to use ${ID} in a Makefile?
To: Packages Technical List NetBSD Discussion <>
From: Georg Schwarz <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/30/2006 14:45:50
I'm having trouble with using ${ID} in a Makefile on MacOS X.  
Consider the following sample Makefile:

cat Makefile.sample
DISTNAME=       sample
CATEGORIES=     none
.include "../../mk/"
ABC!=   ${ID} -n
.include "../../mk/"

which yields:

imac:~/pkgsrc/wip/tacacs-shrubbery schwarz$ ~/pkg/bin/bmake -f  
sh: line 1: -n: command not found
bmake: "/Users/schwarz/pkgsrc/wip/tacacs-shrubbery/Makefile.sample"  
line 4: warning: " -n" returned non-zero status

Why is ${ID} resolved to an empty string?

However, on the other hand I get:

~/pkg/bin/bmake -f Makefile.sample show-vars VARNAMES=ID
sh: line 1: -n: command not found
bmake: "/Users/schwarz/pkgsrc/wip/tacacs-shrubbery/Makefile.sample"  
line 4: warning: " -n" returned non-zero status

Can anyone resolve this mystery?

Georg Schwarz  +49 178 8545053