Subject: Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/mk/compiler
To: Johnny C. Lam <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 02/02/2004 09:51:53
On Mon, 2 Feb 2004, Johnny C. Lam wrote:

> Log Message:
> If USE_GCC_SHLIB is defined, then pretend we need both C and C++ compilers.
> This is, of course, wrong.  Excerpted from the file itself:

It would be nice to have a package with just libraries (like
gcc3-c++-libs) instead (or as an alternative).

pkg_info | grep gcc
gcc3-c-3.3.2        GNU Compiler Collection, version 3, C compiler
gcc3-c-lib-3.3.2    GNU Compiler Collection, version 3, C libraries
gcc3-c++-lib-3.3.2  GNU Compiler Collection, version 3, c++ libraries
gcc3-c++-3.3.2      GNU Compiler Collection, version 3, C++ compiler

$ pkg_info -L gcc3-c++-lib-3.3.2 | head
Information for gcc3-c++-lib-3.3.2:


$ pkg_info -L gcc3-c-lib-3.3.2 | head
Information for gcc3-c-lib-3.3.2:


It seems like I provided some patch for this a month or so ago. Also,
there was little discussion.

It would be nice to not have to have the gcc tools installed.

   Jeremy C. Reed