Subject: parenthesis in DISTNAME
To: None <>
From: Noud de Brouwer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/19/2002 09:36:17
i'm putting a pkgsrc/*/pkg together.
(i'm using pkgsrc to 'collect' my own docs/tablefillings/etc)
but ..the DISTNAME i'd like to fetch contains "(" and ")".
fetching goes ok, but extract and all go wrong,
somewhere internally in pkgsrc/mk something beeps up.

giving me:

host08# make 
Syntax error: "(" unexpected
*** Error code 2


any short sollution how to handle DISTNAME differently?
don't think we have escape-chars down there, isn't it?
or.. should /usr/pkgsrc/mk/* be alterd for it?

thanx for advice,

  ## UNIX's an abbreviation ##
    * my pc's my backplane *