Subject: Re: Rework of the fetch target (was: CVS commit: pkgsrc/mk)
To: Bernd Ernesti <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/27/2002 13:13:32
On Sun, 27 Jan 2002, Frederick Bruckman wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Jan 2002, Bernd Ernesti wrote:
> > Even if have the distfile, you see this kind of output, which makes it
> > impossible to see which distfiles you need to get:

>     make show-var VARNAME=_ALLFILES | tr ' ' '\012'

I just realized that doesn't do what you want, as it would only show
the files to fetch for the one package in question, not for the dependencies.

> Maybe people would like a target that just does that, lists the files.
> What would you call it?

It could still be done, but it would require re-organizing the
fetch-list-recursive target.
