Subject: GNOME/sawfish bugs
To: None <>
From: Rainer J.H. Brandt <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 08/12/2001 21:46:16

I have just installed 1.5.1 release on an i386 machine, and added the
gnome and sawfish packages from the NetBSD binary package repository.
That is, I now have gnome-, sawfish-0.38, and all the rest that
was added during the addition of these packages.

I also added the following lines to my /etc/rc.local

if [ -f /usr/X11R6/bin/gdm ]; then

I didn't change /etc/defaults/rc.conf, so there is no X startup from there.

Before being able to log in, I had to fix one bug in the package:
The /usr/X11R6/etc/gdm/Sessions/Gnome script is not executable and
the login attempt therefore failed.  I was surprised to see this after
having encountered the same problem with an older package more than
half a year ago.  Isn't the software used by quite a few people?

I then logged in and worked under GNOME, using sawfish.
After logging out and rebooting, the GNOME/sawfish combination refuses
to work.  The GNOME desktop starts, but it claims that sawfish can't be
started, and simply runs without a window manager.
In my ~/.gnomerc-errors, I get:

esd: Esound sound daemon already running or stale UNIX socket
This socket already exists indicating esd is already running.
params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/etc/samba/smb.conf":
	No such file or directory
Can't load /etc/samba/smb.conf - run testparm to debug it
load_client_codepage: filename /usr/X11R6/lib/codepages/codepage.850 does not exist.
subshell.c: couldn't get terminal settings: Inappropriate ioctl for device

** WARNING **: Root window clicks will not work as no GNOME-compliant window manager could be found!

I notice that my process list contains two gdm entries:
daemon 240  0.0  2.3  436  3012 ?? I     7:37PM 0:00.11 gdmlogin
root   207  0.0  0.3  128   428 ?? Is    7:37PM 0:00.00 gdm
root   208  0.0  0.6  128   752 ?? I     7:37PM 0:00.01 gdm
root   217  0.0 19.4 3892 25360 ?? I     7:37PM 0:01.29 XF86_SVGA

Is that part of the problem, or is that correct?

Has anyone else seen such a behaviour or does anyone know a solution?
Since I just started fresh from nothing, user-stupidity should not be the
problem (or is it? ;-).

After logging out, I see that one user process is not terminated:
An "oafd" (/usr/X11R6/bin/oafd) is still running.  What is the purpose
of this undocumented program?

What are those samba messages about?  I have not configured Samba on this
machine and I currently don't intend to.  I have searched the sparse GNOME
documentation and the configuration files, but have not found anything
related to this erroneous software behaviour.

I also noticed:
<bombadil:/home/rjhb,190> man gdm
man: no entry for gdm in the manual.
Exit 1
<bombadil:/home/rjhb,191> man gdmlogin
man: no entry for gdmlogin in the manual.
Exit 1
<bombadil:/home/rjhb,192> man sawfish
man: no entry for sawfish in the manual.
Exit 1

Do any docs exist regarding their configuration (no, I have not yet studied
the sources).

I'll be very happy if anyone can provide some insight.  Also, I'd appreciate
advice on whether I should perhaps revert to xdm/fvwm (those served me well
in the past).  However, I thought trying GNOME would be nice since I'm looking
forward to using the same desktop environment on my Solaris and NetBSD

Thanks for your time,

Rainer J. H. Brandt <>
Brandt & Brandt Computer GmbH
phone:  +49 2441 779891
mobile: +49 172 9593205