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Re: GSoC report

On Fri, Jun 02, 2023 at 07:28:52PM +1200, Jeandre Kruger wrote:
> There's still a lot of code I haven't really tried to understand.

Great, I'll review and get back to you ASAP.

> The alternative would be to import an entirely new FreeBSD version of
> ath (though it consists of more source files, in its own directory
> dev/ath; not sure how best to map that onto NetBSD), or that could be
> done in the future?  It probably has more overlap with athn(4) if that
> matters.  So any advice on strategy would be appreciated.

For this GSoC let's keep changes as small as possible. After we are done
with that and have the athn stuff merged, we'll review the result and
decide about the future path.


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