Subject: depreciated
To: None <>
From: Rui Paulo <>
List: tech-net
Date: 08/31/2005 13:09:28
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Quoting RTF4159:
Network Working Group                                          G. Huston   =
Request for Comments: 4159                                         APNIC   =
BCP: 109                                                     August 2005   =
Category: Best Current Practice                                            =
                        Deprecation of ""                           =

1.  IPv6 Standards Action                                                  =
   In August 2001 the IETF published [RFC3152], which advised that the     =
   use of "" as the domain for reverse-mapping of IPv6 addresses    =
   to DNS names was deprecated.  The document noted that the use of        =
   "" would be phased out in an orderly fashion.                    =
   As of 1 September 2005, the IETF advises the community that the DNS     =
   domain "" should no longer be used to perform reverse mapping    =
   of IPv6 addresses to domain names, and that the domain ""       =
   should be used henceforth, in accordance with the IANA Considerations   =
   described in [RFC3596].  The domain "" is deprecated, and its    =
   use in IPv6 implementations that conform to the IPv6 Internet           =
   Standards is discontinued.                                              =

FreeBSD is going to remove the localhost example from their shipped
named.conf, should we do the same?

I don't know what ISC is going to do about this.

		-- Rui Paulo

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