Subject: Re: 802.11 vs. NFS?
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: tech-net
Date: 08/06/2003 17:41:15
In article <>,
Rafal Boni <> wrote:
>	Anybody out there have good experience running NFS over 802.11? 
>	My experience so far has been that even with read and write sizes
>	tweaked down *significantly* (I haven't tried 1k yet, 2k still has
>	issues), at some point the mount just hangs.  With the default of
>	hard mounts, any processes looking at that FS (including df, etc.)
>	hang in disk-wait.
>	So far, I'm using all defaults (udp mounts, nfsv3) with read/write
>	sizes clamped down.  The client is PII or PIII laptop with a wi (a
>	real Orinoco Gold) or an atw card (DLink AirCard cardbus adapter);
>	the servers are a dual-PIII box connected via GigE or a Sun Ultra5
>	connected via on-board hme.  The AP is an Apple Airport.  Right now
>	I'm not doing either WEP or IPSec over 802.11 but plan on doing the
>	latter, so I'd be even more interested if folks have any experience
>	with that.
>	Currently, the NFS mounts are mostly used to play audio/video off
>	the big(ger) disks attached to one of the fixed machines, so it's
>	not ultra-important, but would be nice to be able to play tunes
>	without risking locking the machine up eventually.

I run fine with 1K.
