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Re: FUA and TCQ

On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 8:27 AM, Michael van Elst <> wrote:
> (Warner Losh) writes:
>>NVMe is even worse. There's one drive that w/o queueing I can barely
>>get 1GB/s out of. With queueing and multiple requests I can get the
>>spec sheet rated 3.6GB/s. Here queueing is critical for Netflix to get to
>>90-93Gbps that our 100Gbps boxes can do (though it is but one of
>>many things).
> Luckily the Samsung 950pro isn't of that type. Can you tell what
> NVMe devices (in particular in M.2 form factor) have that problem?

I've not used any m.2 devices. These tests were raw dd's of 128k I/Os
with one thread of execution, so no effective queueing at all. As
queueing gets involved, the performance increases dramatically as the
drive idle time drops substantially. I'd imagine most drives are like
this for the workload I was testing since you had to make a full
round-trip from the kernel to userland after the completion to get the
next I/O rather than having it already in the hardware... Unless
NetBSD's context switching is substantially faster than FreeBSD's, I'd
expect to see similar results there as well. Some cards do a little
better, but not by much... All cards to significantly better when
multiple transactions are scheduled simultaneously.

Just ran a couple of tests and found dd of 4k blocks gave me 160MB/s,
128k blocks gave me 600MB/s, 1M blocks gave me 636MB/s. random
read/write with 64 jobs and an I/O depth of 128 with 128k random reeds
with fio gave me 3.5GB/s. This particular drive is rated at 3.6GB/s.
This is for a HGST Ultrastar SN100. All numbers from FreeBSD. In
production, for unencrypted traffic, we see a similar number to the
deep queue fio test. While I've not tried on NetBSD, I'd be surprised
if you got significantly more than these numbers due to the round trip
to user land vs having the next request being present in the drive...


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