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Re: src/sys/vfs

On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 06:00:34PM +0000, Taylor R Campbell wrote:
 >    > Creating CVS branches does not help with this sort of thing; it just
 >    > makes development slower. It also makes it less likely that the
 >    > changes will get tested before the final branch merge, at which point
 >    > if something breaks it's far more difficult to figure out what caused
 >    > it.
 >    At least few developers suggested to use a branch.  It makes easier for
 >    *us* to track the changes and review them.  It is not that much we are
 >    asking for.

What usage are you thinking of that's noticeably easier?

 > What about publishing the Mercurial repository on which the patches
 > are developed?

That's trivial. Nobody's ever been interested though.

David A. Holland

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