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Re: Process locked up in state mclpl

        In reading that bug report, and in looking at the trace output, I'd
say you'll be in good shape if you increase kern.nmbclusters to 2048 or
4096.  That doesn't look like aleak so much as heavy use to me.  My guess
is that the original filer of that bug did that and his problem went away.

On Apr 7, 10:12am, Stuart Brooks wrote:
} Subject: Process locked up in state mclpl
} I've just had a number of processes lock up in state=mclpl on NetBSD 
} 3.1_STABLE. There is a substantial amount of UDP and TCP traffic between 
} processes on the machine. I was wondering if this is likely to be 
} PR35224 (, 
} and if so whether anyone has updated status on it? The last comment in 
} this PR was from Dec 2006.
} Thanks
}  Stuart
} My top:
} load averages:  0.23,  0.23,  0.21    09:53:58
} 110 processes: 109 sleeping, 1 on processor
} Memory: 513M Act, 256M Inact, 1336K Wired, 75M Exec, 557M File, 2776K Free
} Swap: 600M Total, 600M Free
}   463 root       2    0  6132K   14M select     0:06  0.05%  0.05% kdeinit
}  2472 postgres -22   -2  4580K    4K mclpl    814:23  0.00%  0.00% 
} <postgres>
}  2631 root     -22    0   644K    4K mclpl    606:25  0.00%  0.00% 
} <test_writer
}  1622 root       2    0  8456K   14M select    19:05  0.00%  0.00% kdeinit
}  1952 postgres   2   -2  3544K    4K netlck    13:52  0.00%  0.00% 
} <postgres>
}   233 root       2    0    24M   31M select     4:47  0.00%  0.00% XFree86
}   451 root       2    0  3544K   15M select     4:45  0.00%  0.00% kdeinit
}    16 root      18    0     0K  182M syncer     3:51  0.00%  0.00% [ioflush]
}    17 root     -18    0     0K  182M aiodoned   1:46  0.00%  0.00% 
} [aiodoned]
}    15 root     -18    0     0K  182M pgdaemon   1:30  0.00%  0.00% 
} [pagedaemon]
}  1301 root     -22    0  4092K    4K mclpl      1:23  0.00%  0.00% <kdeinit>
}  2680 postgres   2   -2  3560K 1588K poll       1:18  0.00%  0.00% postgres
}  1493 root       2    0  3488K   17M select     1:09  0.00%  0.00% korgac
}   461 root       2    0  3748K   16M select     0:57  0.00%  0.00% kdeinit
}  3156 postgres   2   -2  3448K 1792K select     0:45  0.00%  0.00% postgres
}  1174 root       2    0  2608K 2928K select     0:40  0.00%  0.00% profiler
}  1428 root       2    0  3376K   13M select     0:26  0.00%  0.00% kdeinit
}  2661 postgres -22   -2  4896K    4K mclpl      0:11  0.00%  0.00% 
} <postgres>
} A ps on postgres:
} database> ps -ax | grep post
}  1952 ?      IW<s  13:52.24 postgres: writer process
}  2113 ?      S<s    0:03.04 postgres: logger process
}  2157 ?      S<s    0:03.12 postgres: autovacuum launcher process
}  2199 ?      I<s    0:00.04 postgres: metauser metadb [local] SELECT
}  2472 ?      DW<s 814:23.50 postgres: metauser metadb localhost(65524) COMMIT
}  2661 ?      DW<s   0:11.27 postgres: metauser metadb localhost(65525) idle
}  2680 ?      S<s    1:18.75 postgres: stats collector process
}  3156 ?      S<s    0:45.12 postgres: wal writer process
} 24362 ?      IW<s   0:00.00 postgres: autovacuum worker process
} 25024 ?      IW<s   0:00.00 postgres: autovacuum worker process
} 25134 ?      IW<s   0:00.00 postgres: autovacuum worker process
}  3289 ttyp5  I<     0:01.96 /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres -D ../data/metadb
>-- End of excerpt from Stuart Brooks

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