Subject: Re: Projects
To: Raymond Chetty <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/30/2006 23:01:11
On Sun, 30 Apr 2006, Raymond Chetty wrote:
> I was looking at the
> POSIX standards,
> (that's them right?) and they seemed to have broken Real time into a
> few Topics. Might it be possible to pick a few, maybe Asynchronous I/O
> and Process Scheduling for example, and then propose working on them
> for SoC and then continue the rest once SoC is over? I don't want to
> be difficult or anything but I'd really like to work on this project
> if at all possible.

How does that go with fine-grained locking and a fully preemptive kernel, 
e.g. the way Solaris achieved realtime support?

> As for filesystem experience, mine is pretty limited, see Phase #2 at
> but
> again, if there is some possible break down of the journalling project
> that somebody could help me define that would be nice. I should also
> mention that I think that they implemented Journaling for UFS in
> FreeBSD in last years summer of code, see 
>, so depending
> on how different the systems are, and how successful the project was,
> that could be a potential time saver couldn't it?

Someone already pointed you at the FFS source, reading it to get VERY 
familiar will definitely be your first step. The 4.4BSD book has some 
texts that may help, but I don't think it'll save you from getting 
intimidate with the code.

As for journaling, the book on that to read was already mentioned, I think 
it was "Practical File System Design with the Be File System".

  - Hubert