Subject: Re: DRI [was: Re: more summer of code fun]
To: Martin Husemann <>
From: Tonnerre <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/05/2005 22:49:12
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On Sun, Jun 05, 2005 at 10:44:56PM +0200, Martin Husemann wrote:
> Sorry, should have been clearer - it's the part about future work and
> framebuffer drivers that I don't follow. I personally don't have that problem,
> my port already has a /dev/fb* that can be extended to handle all this -
> but we need a better general solution. My first idea would be something
> like a vga-extension driver - something that attaches e.g. a radeon and
> supports all the DRI related DMA stuff, but then uses only the standard
> vga driver (or code shared with it) for text mode (on ports where text mode
> is available)

Yes, this is possible as well, as I think I mentioned on the site, and I was
about to work on it (It should be easy to port the PCI vga attachment code),
but people bugged me about framebuffer consoles.


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