Subject: Re: patch for wscons scrolling
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/14/2002 09:04:37
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[No need to CC me on post's to mailing lists unless I ask for it.]

On Fri, Jun 14, 2002 at 04:49:07PM +0930, Brett Lymn wrote:
> Judging from the last two or was it 3 times this was discussed, the
> cats went in all directions.  Everyone wants something different.  The
> people who were proposing the added functionality just got battered
> until they gave up.

Well, lets not do that, then. Let's accept whatever implementation
works, assuming it's mostly sane, and go from there.

> 1) make the scrollback optional so that people who want to whine about
> kernel bloat can option it out.


> 2) Support both styles (holdscreen and or special key combos)
> selectable by an option (either flag or kernel option)

Sure, but not as a flag or kernel option. This is the kind of thing
we have wsconsctl(8) for.

> 3) make the keys that perform the action configurable but set a
> reasonable default that will cover the bulk the keyboards out
> there... acknowledge that this will piss some people off but you WILL
> NOT be able to satisfy everyone.

Well, how 'bout vi(1) keys then? ;^>

Just kidding. I agree. Again, wsconsctl(8).

gabriel rosenkoetter

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