Subject: a couple of proposed patches fo SCSI midlayer
To: None <>
From: Matthew Jacob <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/19/2002 19:24:27
Problem I'm trying to solve:

  I want to have commands completing XS_SELTIMEMOUT be retried like
  XS_TIMEOUT. That is- I want the retry count in the command to be

This turned out to be a tad more then just changing scsipi_complete to
have XS_SELTIMEOUT have the same case as XS_TIMEOUT.

What you need to do is to make sure that *probing* doesn't take forever.

So- what I did was to make sure that we don't retry the TEST UNIT READY
that's done as part of device discovery. Ditto for INQUIRY.

Additionally, and this area still needs some more work particularly as we want
to add (soon) things like REPORT LUNS here so we can ask a device how many of
a possible 65535 luns it actually supports, the loop where we're evaluating a
bus should:

	+ If we're probing a whole bus, and this is lun 0, and things
	  fail to probe, we shouldn't just continue probing (a working
	  lun 0 is a *requirement*, IIRC, for the SAM-2 specs).

	+ We should only set xfer mode if we actually ever found anything

The patches for review can be found at

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