Subject: kernel threading
To: None <>
From: Joseph Sarkes <joe@js1.jsnet>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/30/2000 10:49:03
I am just wondering about what it would take
to have pthreads working properly on netbsd. 
I remember a while back that there was some
particular task that needed to be finished prior
to thread support being added. What is the
actual set of facts regarding this? A pointer
to the prior discussions would be appreciated.

I ask, as it seems to me that this is damaging a
number of packages, and linux emulation also, on
a few things I'd like to run. Likely, netscape 
might run nicer if threading worked properly.
Waiting for the wristwatch (hourglass substitute?)
to go away after clicking on a download doesn't
seem right to me, and I don't think the windows
version does this (I plan on trying this under
linux). I can't do anything until either the 
download starts or times out. It is also possible
that the cause is something else, but still, 
I am interested on thread support, and what is
actually planned for netbsd in this regard.

Joseph Sarkes