Subject: Re: New patch for mpc8xx port
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: tech-embed
Date: 10/06/2000 19:45:01
Hello, Mr. Querbach.

Mr. Querbach wrote:

>> Now get netbsd-current for the proper date.  Don't add my time zone, just
>> use the default of UTC:
>> 	% export
>> 	% cvs checkout -d original -D 20000913 src

I think default timezone is local timezone, not UTC.

% man cvs

       This section describes the command_options that are avail-

      -D date_spec
              Use  the  most  recent  revision  no   later   than
              date_spec  (a  single  argument,  date  description
              specifying a date in the past).  A wide variety  of
              date  formats  are  supported,  in  particular  ISO
              ("1972-09-24 20:05")  or  Internet  ("24  Sep  1972
              20:05").   The date_spec is interpreted as being in
              the local timezone, unless a specific  timezone  is
              specified.   The  specification  is ``sticky'' when

My local timezone is JST, so  please teach me to select A or B or 
both is wrong?

A. % cvs checkout -D "20000913 UTC" src
B. % cvs checkout -D "20000913 <your timezone>" src


UMENO Takashi
PFU Ltd.