Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/sys/kern
To: matthew green <>
From: David Laight <>
List: source-changes
Date: 05/17/2003 00:09:51
> this change, among many others, is converting *safe* strc*()
> calls into strl* ones.  is there any particular reason you are
> doing this?  you are making the kernel slower for *no good
> reason*.

If the kernel changes are anything like the one I found in mrouted
(because my build exploded in map-mbone - so itojun isn't doing
anything like a test builf before commining) then you need to take
a much closer look at the code before changing it.

The code in mrouted was 110% safe.
I've changed it so that it is 120% safe - by removing the parameter
that you seemed to think needed its sized passed.

Interestingly that found a real buffer overrun error!
Which you clearly missed......


David Laight: