Subject: Re: a.out --no-whole-archive toolchain bug & mozilla
To: Martin Husemann <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: source-changes
Date: 12/16/2000 14:18:06
On Sat, 16 Dec 2000, Martin Husemann wrote:

> Re: the latest mozilla-on-a.out backout:
> The idea is to put up binary pkgs for arm32 and m68k (does it work
> there already?) on the ftp server and require people building from source
> to run the latest toolchain from the appropriate branch, assuming the pullups
> will happen in a few days.
> It's not realy clear (to me) that the patched version won't fail in other
> ways (i.e. when loading plugins) and I can not verify this. Actually I don't
> care if you put this back in for now - I just wanted to sync our pkg with the
> stuff that has been feed back to the people. And IMHO that stuff
> should not contain workarounds for toolchain bugs that have already been
> fixed.

	I agree we should get the toolchain pullups in place, and have
	mozilla use them where present, but given a workaround exists
	for the pre-pullup state we should handle that case as well.

	Is there a reliable way to detect a 'post --no-whole-archive fix'
	a.out ld?

		David/absolute		-- No hype required --