Subject: Re: if_detach handling styles
To: None <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: source-changes
Date: 02/02/2000 00:12:11
On Wed, 02 Feb 2000 17:03:53 +0900 wrote:

 > 	I'm not sure if it is documented somewhere, but how should we
 > 	code foo_detach?  ep_pcmcia_detach() has call to bpfdetach()
 > 	with the above change, while ep_pcmcia_attach() doesn't.
 > 	bpfattach() is in elink3.c:epconfig().  i fear to see mismatch
 > 	between dev/ic code and dev/pcmcia code so i'd prefer bpfdetach()
 > 	to be done somewhere in elink3.c.
 > 	could I see an example?

I even committed an example (the `tlp' driver), but it was apparently
ignored :-/

        -- Jason R. Thorpe <>