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Re: NetBSD vs Linux

On a related note...
I tried this on my NetBSD 5.0.1 xen box and it wouldn't start.
From memory and some googling the error message had something to do with
 my system not supporting PAE DomUs.
But them I am running 32 bit, is that something to do with it?
I spent a while looking for a nonpae debian DOMU kernels and gave up.

regards, Philip

Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 05:36:54PM +0200, Victor Dorneanu wrote:
>> Manuel Bouyer wrote:
>>> It seeems there's one in
>>> debian/dists/stable/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/xen
>>> (although it's in a parent dir named netboot this really is a xen domU 
>>> kernel).
>> I just tried it out.. See error messages here:
>> http://xen.pastebin.com/m47642267
> Did you use the ramdisk (and told xen to load it) ?
> It worked for me with
> kernel = "/domains/vmlinuz.debian"
> ramdisk = "/domains/initrd.debian.gz"
> Needs xen 3.3 and a recent netbsd-5 kernel.

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