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Re: qt multi- and broadcast (was Re: dhcpcd not working in simh-vax with xq0:nat networking)

On Sun 12 Dec 2021 at 20:19:42 +0000, Mark Pizzolato - Info Comm wrote:
> This sounds completely reasonable.  Is there anything in the qt driver 
> which deals with these ioctl functions?  The code which handles that in qt 
> should be common with (or copied from) other drivers which use LANCE chips...

Nope, that's completely missing in the qt driver.

There are LANCE drivers all over the place, it seems; that makes it a
bit confusing to find the right parts.
sys/arch/vax/if/if_le_vsbus.c is a VAX version which defers to
sys/dev/ic/am7990.c and/or sys/dev/ic/lance.c. Finally in that file
there is

 * Set up the logical address filter.
lance_setladrf(struct ethercom *ec, uint16_t *af)

That looks usable...

Now here comes my ignorance about hardware:
Does the DELQA-T mode indeed use a LANCE chip (or just something a bit
similar)? Does the DELQA-normal mode use it too, or does the card have 2
chips? (That would be more expensive...) If both modes use it, how can
they have such different programming models?

> QE Broadcast packet reception must be explicitly enabled as mentioned  
> at the end of paragraph three in
>      The broadcast Ethernet address (all Is) may be optionally enabled.

Ah yes, I read that differently (probably not as intended), as "you can
include it if you insist, but it's not needed really".

> > It looks like the DELQA-normal init packet sets too many bytes to 0xFF
> > and doesn't heed "reserved bytes should be set to zero"; slot #0 looks
> > like being part of the reserved bytes apart from the "MOP flag"; page
> > 3-33.
> I don't see "reserved bytes should be set to zero" anywhere.  I do see: 
>   " Any columns not used should be set to the physical address (for better 
>     protection against mischievous Ethernet traffic)."

It's on page 3-33 directly under the illustration. And I'm *assuming*
that the striped areas are the reserved bytes. The remark would be
useless otherwise. But apparently the hardware doesn't enforce it.

> BTW, I've committed the change to the XQ device so that DELQA-T 
> mode will receive broadcast packets.

Thanks! I'll update the package in pkgsrc soon.

> - Mark
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