Subject: Re: SII DSSI --> SCSI hacking? or KZQSA == Qbus <=> SII <=> SCSI ??
To: John Maier <>
From: Chuck Dickman <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/21/2002 21:25:35
John Maier wrote:
> same SII chip implements both SCSI and DSSI." which intrigued me.

John reminds me of something that I have been curious about.

The IFCTF was kind enough to let me see the sources to Ultrix-32.
ote: I am in way associated with Mr. Sokolov. ;-) ]
It was only briefly, but I did notice that Ultrix-32 MIPS supports
the KZQSA. From what I could tell, the KZQSA is a Qbus to SII adapter,
with the SII set up for SCSI. NetBSD/pmax supports the SII. KZQSA's
are quite cheap. So.... can anyone comment on the possibility of
taking the SII/SCSI support from NetBSD/pmax, combining it with
Qbus for the VAX and producing a KZQSA driver for NetBSD/vax.

> John Maier

One more way to stamping out Qbus Disk Deficit Disorder. 
