Subject: Re: Seeketh ye a faste VAXe.....?
To: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/25/2001 09:27:43
> > hey, riding a DEC cabinet down a hill is actually quite fun!
> > (i had to move a 6' dec cabinet across campus when SCS donated it to the
> > computer club.. so once i got it uphill to the cut, and it was downhill
> > from there, i jumped on and rode it down.. mustve been quite a sight, to
> > see this big cabinet flying downhill with some dude hanging onto it.. :)
> Does such a box have breaks?

Well, is that not what the HALT button is for?

But, one probably needs a Lengthy Extension Cordage to keep it powered up.

(Now running and ducking for cover from the flying diskpacks.....(:+}}....)
