Subject: Perking up the MVII with MVII boards and bits?
To: Chuck McManis <>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/26/2001 13:04:27
> A MicroVAX III, I've got one in da' house (named it HalfVAX) Mine came in 
> the "dual BA23" mode which has two BA23 cabinets mounted in the rack on top 
> of each other and a double high swinging back door that holds all the end 
> plates.

OK, for the sake of discussion, and mixing/matching/gooping up parts to
make a best/fast BA123 configuration for NetBSD use..... I have.....

1.  BA123 cabinet with SQ706A and 4 scsi drives, and TK50 tape/card.

2.  KA640 CPU and ram boardset from an MV3300 (the cabinet currently is
    running my spare MVII boardset for tesing NetBSD).

3.  KA650 CPU (I am hoping) and maybe other ram in the VAXstation 3200
    I picked up today.

Now, I would reason that I could drop the KA640 ram boards and VS3200
ram boards sufficient to max out 3 boards, and the KA650 CPU into
the old MVII BA123 cabinet, and whip up a best/fast VAX.

Then, sift out the second level KA630 boards to put into the MV3300
chassis to maximize that.  It is sort of spread-eagled, since I have
not got any of the right bits for that cabinet to make it work
correctly.  But, it works.

Then, drop the remainders into the BA23 cabinet.  This would be the
least of the least of the least VAXencritters.

Does that sound reasonable?

Hopefully, that would get over some of the slowness in MVIIland I am
experiencing, but, still retain a couple of MVII boxes for testing.
