Subject: Re: AUI-BNC
To: None <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/09/2001 10:46:25
On January 9, Brian Hechinger wrote:

> like i said, extended hiatus. :)  my 11/730 (along with a fairly large 
> collection of sun2/sun3 hardware) got killed in a fire, and i _STILL_ haven't

  OH ouch...may they rest in peace...

> got my butt up to NY-state to get the 11/750, but that may happen within the
> next couple of months.
> plus, i moved to Brasil for a couple of years, and internet connectivity down
> there is crappy enough that following a mailing list is a hassle.


> thanks.  it's good to be back, i miss tooling around with my VAX hardware.
> pmax is cool, but it just doesn't have the, uhm, i can't think of a word that
> describes the VAX stuff, but i'm sure you all understand. (ambiance, something
> like that maybe??)

  When I speak of VAX hardware, I frequently use the term "personality".

> it's also good to see the 4000 series has some support since i'm picking up
> three of them this weekend.

  Ahh, 4000-series machines are nice.  What models are you picking up?
I have a pair of 4000/400s here that I REALLY like.

         -Dave McGuire