Subject: Re: Telnet: Enabling?
To: Bruce Lane <>
From: Michael Kukat <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/24/2000 15:28:48
Hi !

On Sun, 24 Dec 2000, Bruce Lane wrote:
> 	Well, when it was said that NetBSD 1.5 was "secure out of the box," that's
> definitely what they meant! I'm finding that any attempt to telnet to one
> of my newly-loaded boxes results in "Connection Refused."
> 	How do I change this? I've searched the man pages and some of the config
> files without a lot of success.

easy job... Look at /etc/inetd.conf and at the inetd-manpage.


In TV, there are bluescreens to put a faked reality behind a real played scene,
in Windows, you sometimes see the real scene, when the fakes go out for lunch.