Subject: Re: cdrecord causes kernel panic
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/05/2000 17:38:05
On  4 May, Douglas Meade wrote:

> Which kernel are you using?  
1.4X supped short before Apr. 26. 

> SCSI support is relatively new for 
> this model, so there are probably still lots of devices that are
> not entirely supported.  
That is the reason why I tested it. :-)
The developers can't improve the code without feedback from the users. 

> The same is true to a lesser extent of
> the VS3100, which supports some SCSI drives just fine, but not 
> others.  
I tried cdrecord some months ago with my VS3100m76 and I got the same
panic: lockmgr: locking against myself

> I've also not been able to get my trusty TK50GAZ working yet.
I think this drive is in general problematic. I remember the
unsuccessful tests a friend made with this drive connected to a i386

