Subject: Re: installing vax-netbsd on a hd
To: None <>
From: Brian Chase <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/04/2000 07:46:52
On Fri, 4 Feb 2000 wrote:
> On  3 Feb, Can Altineller wrote:

> > 	Can someone give me hints please? I understand there must be a
> > edlabel program, or some stuff that comes with the miniroot, but I dont
> > have those. 

> Boot the box over the net. Put a disklabel(8) on the disk, newfs(8) the
> patitions, mount(8) them under /mnt.
> [...]
> BTW: The easyest way to disklabel a new disk is:
> disklabel sd0 > dl
> vi dl
> disklabel -rR sd0 dl 
> Remember to put partition boundarys on cyliner boundarys.  

I'm partial to the "disklabel -i sd0" command.  Of course if you're new to
dealing with BSD disklabels, you'll probably be confused.

--- Brian Chase | | -----
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.  You can diagnose people 
based on where they sit on the bus.  -- K.