Subject: Re: Do you remeber me?
To: Michael Kukat <>
From: Cthulhu <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/10/1999 14:57:00
On Fri, Jul 09, 1999 at 07:39:29AM +0200, Michael Kukat wrote:

> Try to use some RDxx as swap device. My VS II works absolutely stable.

I have 16MB of swap on the RD53, but it hangs!
I'll try to do some bad block check now, how can I do some check on memory?

> Except on-CPU peripherals (SHAC for DSSI and SGEC for network) it works. You

Right, so no netboot and no HDD boot here. Useful. :)

No one tried to cross-compile from a linux box?

> VAX 4000/300 -> I'm still waiting for further info about the battery-backed
> clock, so there is no support yet. You may waht to use timed here also.

BTW, or my linux timed is crazy, or I need to read MORE docs...


       Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu wgah'nagl fhtgan!
		       <cthulhu at flashnet dot it>