Subject: diag. and VMS on TU58 for sale
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/19/1999 16:38:55
I've been meaning to send this to the list for awhile, but keep forgetting to do

There's a surplus/salvage store in Virginia Beach, VA, USA that I visit every
couple of months.  Anyway, they've got a small box with about a dozen various
TU58 tapes in it.  They seem to be mostly labeled "diag" and some seem to also
be "exerciser" tapes for various pieces of VAX hardware that I'm not familiar
with.  One tape actually references the 11/750; the rest don't specify.  Another
tape said something about "hardcore" on it.  And finally, there's what appears
to be a full set of VMS 5.0 tapes, too.

These tapes have been there for well over a year.  If they are of interest to
someone, I can either direct you to the store (if you're on the east coast) or I
may be able to pick them up for you sometime.  They don't seem to be going
anywhere otherwise.  :-)

take it easy...