Subject: Re: VS2000 NetBSD port
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bertram Barth <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/18/1996 09:36:34
Roger Ivie writes:
> OK, so how do those of us with VAXstation 2000s, technical info about
> VAXstation 2000s, and the inclination to do kernel/device driver hacking
> go about getting a copy to play with?

Short time before the feature-freeze for the 1.2 release I talked with
ragge about integrating the VS2000 specific things into the "official"
source tree. But because of the unfinished/incomplete state of the sources
and because of the unclear risks for the so far working parts of the tree
we decided not to do it now but to wait until the release is done and then 
to integrate these things.

Thus the VAXstation specific changes are still a side-branch of the
main-sources from some weeks ago. Their current unfinished/unpolished
version is available at our ftp-server ""
and is named "v31-960516.tar.gz", it holds the new/modified files for
VS2000 support and some ideas on how to support VS3100. It is (or at least 
was :) work in progress, thus it holds lots of dirty spots.

I (really :) intended to prepare some boot/test images, but due to some 
other problems this never happened. Now that I see this massive interest
in these things, I don't/can't promise anything but I'll give it a second
try, more about that next week.

BTW: I think I have to correct the picture implied by Marc's table.
     This seems the right place to mention some people, without their
     help there would be nothing wrt VS2000. In alphabetical order:
	Jeremy Brown
	Gunnar Helliesen
	Roger "left out in the cold" Ivie  :-)
	Rick Macklem
	Anders Magnusson
	Ken Wellsch
	Mike Young
     I hope I didn't forget/misspell anybody.
